renzo zanetti planning
Since the nineties, part of my professional activity has been dedicated to the preparation of museums and visitor centres. I have made contributions to existing displays but also created complete displays from scratch.
This activity includes:
1. The careful designing of displays and supports to fit the various articles
2. The production of photos, designs, plans and texts
3. Detailed informative displays
 Contributions to museums and visitor centres:
  1. Centro Didattico Naturalistico “Il Pendolino” -  Noventa di Piave (VENEZIA): painted seabeds and educational panels.
  2. Museo della Bonifica presso Museo Civico di San Donà di Piave (VENEZIA): painted seabeds and models of plants and animals.
  3. Centro di Educazione Ambientale di Portegrandi, Parco del Sile (VENEZIA): shapes, models of animals.
  4. Centro Visite del Giardino Botanico di Porto Caleri (ROVIGO): dioramas, educational panels and plastic models.
  5. Museo Naturalistico di Asiago, (VICENZA): dioramas and educational panels.
  6. Museo dei Fossili di Gallio, Altopiano Sette Comuni (VICENZA): dioramas, models, educational panels, illustrations and graphics.
  7. Museo dei Fossili di Roncà (VERONA): dioramas, displays, educational panels, models, designs and paintings.
  8. Museo della Preistoria “Luigi Donini” - San Lazzaro (BOLOGNA): painted reconstructions of prehistoric environments.
  9. Museo Casa Clautana - Claut (PORDENONE)
  10. Several temporary naturalistic exhibitions.